Neck Ease *Recordings*


In this series of five Awareness Through Movement® Lessons you will learn 3 things that make a difference in easing muscle tension causing neck pain and some kinds of headaches. And it won’t involve stretching!



Awareness Through Movement® Series Recordings
Neck Ease

Many people think that their neck pain is due to tight muscles and so they learn stretches.

Stretching does not loosen tight muscles. Stretching lengthens muscles and it can feel good, which is helpful. But it doesn’t correct the underlying problem.

Our heads, with their sophisticated systems of nerve endings, orient us to the environment. That is, we know the difference between up and down, how far something is away from us, or how loud or scary something is.

This complex orientation system gives us information about the environment so that we can decide what is needed: Run and hide? Or stop and talk?

In this series you will learn 3 things that make a difference in easing muscle tension causing neck pain and some kinds of headaches. And it won’t involve stretching!

During Awareness Through Movement lessons, you will have time to slow down, to sense where or how you may be overworking and time to notice differences when you move.

Your Instructor, Lindy Ost
Lindy Ost has been teaching Awareness Through Movement lessons for over 30 years. She found the message that she heard from her first Feldenkrais teacher freeing, “If you learn one thing while in this workshop, you will have been successful,” relieving pressure that she hadn’t realized that she had from earlier years.

Are you looking for personal one on one sessions? Schedule a consultation call with Lindy today!