Shoulder Care 101 *Recordings*


During this 5 session series, Shoulder Care 101, you will learn how the shoulders work in relationship to the arms and spine, learn what you can do to have less shoulder pain, gain confidence in knowing how to care for your shoulders, and learn how to support current exercise and work demands with less undue strain



Awareness Through Movement® Series Recordings
Shoulder Care 101

It doesn’t matter whether you work at a computer, play an instrument, paint or clean house, any activity that puts a high demand on the use of the arms and is repetitive places the shoulder joints at higher risk for pain or injury.

The shoulder joints connect the arms and hands to our center. The connection between our center and the use of our hands is directly related to how the shoulders work. If they aren’t working well, pain and limitation result.

During this Awareness Through Movement series, you will:

Learn how the shoulders work in relationship to the arms and spine
Learn what you can do to have less shoulder pain
Gain confidence in knowing how to care for your shoulders
Learn how to support current exercise and work demands with less undue strain
Optimal functioning of the shoulder joints is paramount in having optimal use of the arms and hands.

By using your arms and shoulders with greater awareness, you can reduce pain, gain motion and enjoy those things that you love to do.

Take time to explore through Awareness Through Movement lessons what it means to do less and gain more. See you on the floor!

During Awareness Through Movement lessons, you will have time to slow down, to sense where or how you may be overworking and time to notice differences when you move.

Are you looking for personal one on one sessions? Schedule a consultation call with Lindy today!