What Does It Take To Improve?
Two minutes.
James Clear, the author of “Atomic Habits“, has studied and created a method for dismantling old habits and starting new ones. It takes two minutes.
Plus awareness.
And an intention.
Put the three together and we have a start.
Moshe Feldenkrais wrote Awareness Through Movement in order for ordinary folk to have a method in which to improve. “Less is more”, “Go slowly”, and “Make it easy” are key features.
To improve, there has to be a recognition that something isn’t as it could be or an idea that something is wanted that isn’t happening now.
Where to begin? Ask questions.
What’s wanted? For me there are two interests that come to mind easily: 1.) Greater ease in marketing. 2.) Hike Mt. Katadhin.
First step: A recognition that something could be better or easier or accomplished.
Second step: Form a question in order to identify the intention.
What do you want? What do you want to improve?
Does it work for you to ask, “What would I like to improve?” or “What is troubling me that I would like to change?”?
That’s it. Two minutes. Stop the clock. That’s it for this two minute improvement! See you next two minutes…
Next two minutes. Set the clock. Go…
So you have asked yourself the question, “What do I want to improve?” Keep it simple…no more than 2 minutes.
Third step: Make a plan.
Two minutes, how many days/week? Mine is 4 days per week, M-Thur, 5 PM, 2 minutes each day.
I will go online and start a FB live event. My topic: “2 Minute Jump Rope Club”.
I don’t have to do more than that today. And I can do as many 2 minutes as I want any day.
Now your turn.
How many days? Which days? What time and what are you going to do?
That’s it, 2 minutes, 3-5 days/week and it is a start!
Timer just went off….all done for now. Right. One more thing. Have fun!